Monday, January 26, 2009


First of all a big thank you to all of you who tuned in yesterday and made our first broadcast experiment a very special one. We will be on the air again very soon. Better and louder! (And with smarter things to say...)
The only thing you have to do is check regularly on the blog.
I promised yesterday that the show would be available as a podcast for you to download, if there weren't any technical irregularities. And guess what. There were! All our curses are targeted to that little software company, which made the lame program I used to record. And it seemed to be working. Check back soon for the official All About The Sun-Voodoo-Doll so we can take them down properly!
So, our first show is forever LOST from the hard drives, until we find Benjamin Linus and THE ISLAND to make things right again...
We apologize to the listeners who didn't understand a word we were saying, but I guess that's the way it's gonna be, at least on my end. Hopefully you won't abandon us and tune in for the music. Posts remain (mostly) in English...
Until next time!


zouzou said...

To euxaristw apo emas olous se esas tou 2 theotrellous pou mas krathsate suntrofia kai mas ferate kai makria.

the Mars said...

I know were is the recorded radioshow from sunday..on the Island propably or DHARMA has take it away from your Hard disk...Maybe we will hear the show again very soon in one of the next episodes of LOST..