Friday, January 23, 2009

Rise Up and Fight !

I wanted to share something great I saw recently with you all.

Just when you thought it was all over......


Once again we find ourselves in the studio, this time recording some tunes for the vinyl edition of the new album, it's getting complicated but it keeps you on ye toe's. These songs will not appear anywhere on the various CD versions, there's three (3) ditties....."Ballad Of Richard Greyson", "A Mouthfull Of Secrets" and a super dirty version of "Physical (You're So)". 

So, we will have a release date very soon for the albums and we'll post the details of the various different versions, plus news of the U.S. / Canada tour which is being booked at the moment. 

Also, we have new blood in our ranks, these ghosts took physical form in the men they call Karl Demata, Joe Allen & John Langley, they make us sound good. We started rehearsing again after a break of 6/7 months without playing live, seems like an age! So things are on course and looking quite good. 

See.....i am being good and positive, like i'm told to be more. No cynicism this time.....but that won't last!!! (see what i did there?).


After watching the news about the happenings in Athens and the rest of Greece, i am dedicate "Rise Up And Fight" to all of you there. 

Ta-RAA y'shitters! 


I took this straight from the myspace page of Crippled Black Phoenix.
Obviously it wouldn't be complete without the song itself, the song so graciously devoted to the struggling lost masses. So, after strongly advising you to visit their site and listen to everything there and buy everything they put out even if it is just flavoured coffee with their faces on the packaging, here's "Rise Up and fight".

Yes, it sounds Pink Floyd-ish all the right kinds of ways. Yes, we will have more of this when the times is ripe. No, the new albums (there will be two) are not out yet, but yes, they will be terrific and keep us busy on this blog for quite a while,  is what my gut tells me. 
If you don't believe me, have a sneak peak of what is to come while sitting in the dark somewhere and -obviously- paying attention and sipping a drink or two (you'll have time for three and need them you will). 

Oh, and lest I forget in my silly ways....

turn up the volume

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