Saturday, July 5, 2008

Weekend Thoughts

Interesting facts about civilization doping and how the pharmaceutical companies are slowly pushing our lifestyle into addiction. It won't be long, when the few of us who actually worked through their tough spots and exams without the help of neuro-enhacers will be aliens and underachievers. We're being faced with change: inability to remember, concentrate, calculate by head, fatigue , drowziness, mood-changes and fluctuating mental productivity will be considered sicknesses, ailments..... bugs. And the industry will readily provide solutions to these, as no well-oiled machine should be subject to such uncontrollable "problems".
If you can't work because you're heartbroken, they will help you.

Let's bugfix the hell out of humanity until none of it is left, let's sacrifice the last bit of individuality we have left in our very minds to the altar of productivity, who needs personality when you can have a mercedes?`
Who needs a real relationship when all men and women can supress their hunger and emotions and can look like models and smile all the time, benefit of ACME Inc.
Why sleep much? Why dream? Wasted time, you only live once, you can only achieve so much in one lifespan, maximize it. Go for it. Don't let the petty little nagging problems you have hinder you, dopamine's your friend, and you won't even feel a thing. Ever.
I promise.

What Isaac Asimov failed to see was that his robotic future was made of organic matter, not wires and silicone.

Can anyone imagine how neurotic Dr. Mephesto and Sr. Cartmanez could become aided by the likes of Ritalin et al?Picture a whole society turn Gonzo.

Brave New World

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